2014 Kwara State Budget Speech Delivered by Gov. Ahmed

Date: 2013-12-25


Mr. Speaker Sir, Honorable Members of Kwara State House of Assembly, I thank you for admitting me into this hallowed chamber again to present the proposed 2014 Appropriation for consideration and approval. The proposals that I present today represent this administration’s strongest drive to rapidly transform our state, enhance the well-being of its people and, specifically, get a significant number of our youths economically engaged. They contain building blocks for a greater Kwara State in which majority of our people are substantially well-off. Mr. Speaker, before I present the 2014 Budget Estimates, let me provide an overview of 2013 Budget implementation.


Click to view the 2013 Kwara Budget

Mr. Speaker, Honorable members, the approved 2013 budget was Ninety-six billion, Four hundred and Forty-three million, Eight hundred and twenty-seven thousand, Three hundred and eighty-nine Naira.

However, in August 2013, the budget was revised upwards to Ninety-Six billion, Nine hundred and thirty million, Nine Hundred and thirty-four thousand, eight hundred and five naira to accommodate more developmental projects.

Full implementation of the 2013 budget was, however, constrained by lower than expected allocations from the Federation Account. Despite these challenges, we remained focused on prompt payment of staff salaries and allowances, funding of capital projects, and on meeting other obligations paramount to good governance.

Mr. Speaker, our resolve to succeed is matched only by our resourcefulness. In our determined drive to meet our people’s aspirations, we refuse to sit on our hands and dwell on ephemeral challenges. Rather, we are achieving our developmental plans and fulfilling our covenant with the people through optimal resource utilization. Clearly, other’s challenges are the very things that propel us towards high performance. We will therefore continue to implement inventive funding for lofty people-focused development.

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to report that we made significant progress in the 2013 budget based on resourceful utilization of resources. As at October 31st, 2013 the overall Budget Performance was seventy seven per cent.

With regard to Capital Expenditure, the financial performance was sixty per cent while that of recurrent expenditure was eighty-nine per cent.

Mr. Speaker, permit me to highlight some of the capital projects executed during the outgoing fiscal year. The salient ones include the following:


In 2013, the government continued to execute programmes and projects to reposition agriculture with a view to improving food security and generating employment. In our determined effort to extend commercial agriculture across the State, Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) were signed with some farmers. These include:

1) Kohath Rice Company Limited

2) Green-Spring Vegetable Farm Limited (Tomato & Pepper Production)

3) Jollofe Tomato Nigeria Limited (Tomato & Pepper production)

4) Thai Farm International Limited which has commenced land clearing at Shao for production of glucose from Cassava.

In the outgoing fiscal year, our farmers benefitted from the Growth Enhancement Scheme (GES), which is designed to provide affordable input like fertilizers and hybrid seeds for increased productivity.

GES co-funded by the Federal and State government at a 50:50 ratio. Sixty nine thousand, seven hundred and ninety nine farmers benefitted from the scheme during the year.

Also, four hundred and sixty two fish farmers were each given five hundred juvenile Fish for free and five bags of Fish feed at fifty per cent discount while eight hundred and seventy seven livestock farmers are expected to receive thirty bags of feed and four blocks of salt-lick each before the end of the year.

Meanwhile, sixty youths graduated from the Fish Farming Centre, Ilorin while ninety-nine Youths graduated in Livestock and Crop Management from the Integrated Youth Farm Centre, Malete.

Furthermore, thirty Hand-pump boreholes and fifty-four kilometers of roads were provided to rural communities participating in Community Based Agriculture and Rural Development Programme. Similarly, farmers under the Fadama 2 and 3 programmes benefitted from various productive assets and small-scale community infrastructure provided by these programmes during the 2013 fiscal year.


A sum of Eight billion, Three hundred and four million, Four hundred and Six thousand, Four hundred and Twenty-three Naira, Fifty-Six kobo was expended on the construction and rehabilitation of roads in the outgoing fiscal year. Attention was focused on the eighty-one on-going and newly awarded State road projects with a total length of four hundred and forty-nine kilometers. These projects are currently at various levels of completion.

Furthermore, government completed forty rural roads covering a total of three hundred and seventy seven kilometers this year. Mr. Speaker, permit me to mention a few of these completed and ongoing roads.

1) Pakata Sooto- Anifowose Market Road, Ilorin

2) Oro-Ijumu Oro Road

3) Obbo-Ile -Isapa Road

4) Igosun-Awere Road

5) Lafiagi-Chewuru Road

6) Owode - Ofaro Road

7) Oro-Ago - Oke-Oyan Road

Patigi-Rogun Kpada Road, Patigi

9) Extension of Lubcon-Wara Express Road.

10) Kaiama General Hospital Road

11) Share-Oke-Ode Road

12) Offa-Ipe Road

13) Arandun-Rore-Aran-Orin-Ipetu Road

14) Kulende - Oyun Bridge Road, Ilorin

15) Stadium Road, Ilorin

16) Ejiba Street, Ilorin

17) Ayedun-Ilale Road

18) Share Township Road

19) Henry George Round About-Agbo-Oba Road

20) Fate - Agric Roundabout

21) Akerebiata - Zango Road

22) Tsaragi Market Road

23) Asa-Dam – Ajasse-Ipo Road Junction

24) Erin-Ile-Ilemona Road

25) Oko-Idofin-Igbana-Odo Ashe Road

26) Eruku-Township Road and

27) Oke Andi-Obafemi Taoheed Road.

In addition, the State government is currently intervening on some Federal roads which are crucial to our people’s well-being and beneficial to effective commerce. These roads include: Chikanda-Kosubosu Road and Patigi-Kpada Road.

In addition, I am pleased to announce that work will soon commence on Kaiama-Kishi Road and Ilesha-Baruba-Gwanara-Okuta Road, the contracts for which were awarded this year.

In the area of road maintenance, we have strengthened Kwara Road Maintenance Agency (KWARMA) of modern equipment and regular monthly subvention for road rehabilitation and maintenance. During the year, the agency rehabilitated 114 roads across the State. Similarly, the government has also supplied the Kwara Road Traffic Management Authority (KWARTMA) with modern equipment to ensure free flow of traffic on our roads.

Furthermore, we have provided International Aviation College, Ilorin with essential equipment for its smooth running. Apart from the existing four aircrafts, additional aircrafts and engines were procured this year for the college. I am pleased to announce that College will graduate its first batch of fully certified Commercial Pilots in a few days. In addition, four batches of students are currently undergoing training at the college.


Our policy thrust on water supply is to ensure that potable water is accessible within 500 meters radius for every resident in the State.

To this end, 13 water works were rehabilitated during the out-going fiscal year. These include Rogun, Megida, Ilesha-Baruba, Kaiama, Gwanara, Lafiagi, Afon, Ojoku, Agbeyangi, Pampo, Obbo-Aiyegunle, and Ajasse-Ipo. In addition, reconstruction work on Share/Tsaragi water scheme continued during the year.

In the area of rural water supply, a total sum of One hundred and Fifty million, five hundred and sixty-two thousand, Two hundred and eighty-six naira was expended on bulk procurement of materials and drilling of boreholes in the State.


The provision of quality healthcare delivery to the people of Kwara State remains one of the priority areas of this administration. To this extent, government commenced comprehensive rehabilitation of the General Hospitals at Ilorin, Offa, Omu-Aran, Kaiama and Share which are currently being equipped in readiness for commissioning and use.

So far, a total sum of Two billion, Four hundred and fifty-two million, one hundred and seventy thousand, four hundred and fifty-seven naira, sixty-five kobo has been expended on the rehabilitation of these General Hospitals.

Similarly, four Primary Health Centers were renovated at Okeso, Rifun, Ilesha-Baruba and Balogun Fulani while two Primary Health Centers were constructed at Maya Ile-Apa and Ajanaku. Furthermore, medical waste incinerators were constructed at Lafiagi, Oro, Okuta and Afon General Hospitals as well as Civil Service Clinic, Ilorin and the Cottage Hospital, Ilesha-Baruba.

The Community Health Insurance Scheme, which provides year-round access to quality healthcare for only three hundred naira, was extended to Ifelodun and Kaiama Local Government Areas for the benefit of our people in the rural areas. A total sum of forty-four million naira was spent on the scheme.


In line with the Every Child Counts education reform, government intensified efforts to improve on the accessibility and quality of education in the outgoing fiscal year. Our policy of free tuition at Primary and Post-Primary Schools continues to yield positive results as the number of school-age children not attending school has dropped.

In a bid to ensure that our education system produces self-reliant students whose skill sets match international standards, the government intensified the construction work at International Vocational Centre, Ajasse-Ipo during the outgoing fiscal year.

About One billion, two hundred million naira has been expended on the project, which is currently at 80% completion level. When completed, the center will provide our youths with excellent training moderated by City and Guides of London, thus making them employable locally and internationally.

We have also made significant progress in improving the infrastructural facilities in our schools. For instance, Government Secondary School, Agbamu, has been completely renovated. Similarly, government embarked on construction and rehabilitation of other schools to provide a conducive atmosphere for learning and improve the quality of education in our Schools. In the same vein, furniture was supplied to basic schools with noticeable shortages.

In addition, the State government, in the out-going fiscal year, released a total sum of Sixty million naira for the payment of National Examination Council (NECO) and National Board for Technical Education (NABTEB) Fees for Six thousand, nine hundred students that sat for the 2013 Senior Secondary Schools Examination. Besides, a sum of Twenty-three million naira was released for the conduct of Joint Mock Examination for SS2 students across the State.

Tertiary education also received government attention through the provision of additional infrastructure and essential equipment for efficient service delivery during the outgoing fiscal year.

For instance, construction work at the Kwara State University (KWASU) College of Engineering Phase 1 with a contract sum of Eight hundred and Ten million Naira is currently at 80% completion level.

In addition, the College of Nursing and Midwifery, Ilorin received provisional accreditation to commence academic activities with effect from October 2013. The contract for the rehabilitation and renovation of the structures at the new location of the School of Midwifery, Ilorin was awarded at the sum of One hundred and Seven million naira during the outgoing fiscal year.


In the outgoing fiscal year, tremendous progress was recorded in the electrification of towns and villages, transformer dropping and rehabilitation of streetlights. Eleven rural communities were connected to the National Grid while broken down networks and vandalized sub-stations were restored across the State. In the same vein, thirty-nine distribution transformers of various ratings were procured and distributed across the sixteen Local Government Areas.

The State government also completed three street light projects at Offa Garage Road, Abdul Azeez Attah Road, and Tanke Junction to University of Ilorin which have further enhanced the aesthetic beauty of the State capital and improved security along the affected streets at night.


In our continued effort to meet our Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) target by 2015, we have paid our counterpart fund of four hundred million naira. This effort resulted in the federal government selecting Ekiti, Oke-Ero, Ilorin-East, and Patigi Local Government Areas where a total sum of Eight hundred million naira will be invested in various pro-poor developmental projects. In addition, over Six hundred million naira has been made available for the MDGs-CGS State track for its 2013 projects.


We are all aware that the society that assures the security of lives and property creates the enabling environment for development. In our quest to beef up security surveillance in the State, fifteen vehicles were provided for the take-off of Operation Harmony security outfit to strengthen security in the State and reduce crime.

Mr. Speaker, Honorable Members, indeed there is so much more to report in terms of progress, much of which you have personally experienced. We will continue to do all that is necessary to make life more meaningful to our people.

The achievements recorded so far, during this outgoing fiscal year, could not have been possible without the commitment, cooperation, and support of all and sundry. I will therefore like to thank you for your cooperation in this regard. I trust that I can always count on your continuous support in the task of transforming our State.


Mr. Speaker, Honorable Members, the budget that I have the honour to present today is not a mere litany of projections. Rather, it is propelled by the idea that economies and people thrive better during significant infrastructure development.

The 2014 budget is therefore a blueprint for sustaining on-going development and birthing major new projects to put more money in people’s pocket, get more youths into work, remodel additional hospitals, build more schools and roads thus opening new vistas of economic prosperity. In line with this, the proposed 2014 Budget is themed-Budget of Expansion for Inclusive Prosperity.

This theme underlines our determination to initiate system-wide programmes and projects to provide jobs and other empowerment for youths while rapidly expanding opportunities for collective prosperity.

We intend to achieve this through swift large-scale infrastructural development that builds on existing development, creates direct jobs, empowers small business owners, triggers enhanced commerce and supports industry. Based on these aspirations, the 2014 Budget is underpinned by the following specific objectives:

1. To intensify development through the completion of on-going projects in line with current financial outlook;

2. To significantly reduce youth unemployment through direct jobs, public works, functional education and entrepreneurship;

3. To enhance prudent financial management and continuous improvement in our revenue base for reduced dependence on Federation account.

4. To bridge the infrastructure gap through major public works while boosting growth and supporting business.

Mr. Speaker, before delving in the specifics of the proposed budget, permit me to expand on our plans for infrastructure development.

As you as aware, government has prioritized strategic infrastructure development under the Shared Prosperity Programme. However, much work remains.

Having conducted a through study of our actual infrastructural status, we have identified a statewide deficit that we intend to fill.

Government will therefore establish the Kwara Infrastructure Development Fund to implement a modulated approach to meeting these infrastructure requirements. Within three years, government intends to bridge a third of the identified deficit through rapid development.

Furthermore, government will in the first quarter of 2014 create 3500 new jobs and midwife 2000 new youth entrepreneurs through training and access to N200m in affordable revolving credit.

Additional details of these new interventions, which also cut across sports, agriculture, energy, health, education, water supply and ICT as well as the funding framework, will be provided to this honorable house and the people of Kwara State at the appropriate time.

Mr. Speaker, the size of the proposed 2014 Budget is One hundred and twenty four billion, five hundred and twenty five million, Nine hundred and fifty-seven thousand, One hundred and thirteen naira. This shows an increase of Twenty-seven billion, five hundred and ninety-five million, twenty-two thousand, three hundred and eight naira.

This represents an increase of 28.46% over the 2013 revised budget. Our determination to complete on-going infrastructural projects and start additional people-focused projects and programmes informed the increase.

The Budget is made up of Recurrent Expenditure of Forty-eight billon, Five hundred and Forty-seven million, Four hundred and forty-eight thousand, Two hundred and Seventy-two naira which represents 39% of the budget size.

The Public Debt Servicing is Seventeen billion, Two hundred and Seventy-eight million, One hundred and Fifty thousand, Two hundred and Thirty-three naira which represents 14% of the total budget size.

The Capital Expenditure is Fifty-eight billion, Seven hundred million, Three hundred and Fifty-eight thousand, Six hundred and Eight naira which represents 47% of the total budget size.

Mr. Speaker, Honourable members, the following is the breakdown of the proposed 2014 Budget:


The total projected Revenue for 2014 financial year is One hundred and twenty four billion, Five hundred and twenty five million, Nine hundred and fifty-seven thousand, one hundred and thirteen naira).

Out of this amount, the expected Independent Generated Revenue (IGR) is Sixteen billion Nine hundred and eighty-six million, Two hundred and seventy-eight thousand, Six hundred and thirty naira while the Capital receipts and Aid and Grants is Twenty-two billion, Three hundred and eleven million, Thirty-Nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-one naira. The expected drawdowns in respect of some external Projects benefitting from external loans, refunds for federal government projects executed by the State government, constitute the bulk of the Capital receipts.

Statutory allocation due to the State from the Federation Account is estimated at Forty-four billion naira while the expected Excess Crude

Account receipt is estimated at Three billion, One hundred and Seventy-five million, seven hundred and seventeen thousand, three hundred and fifty-nine naira.

The expected revenue from Value Added Tax (VAT) is estimated at Eight billion, fifty-two million, nine hundred and twenty-one thousand, one hundred and thirty-three naira

The other anticipated source of revenue for funding the 2014 budget is from a bond of Thirty billion naira (₦30,000,000,000) to be sourced from the capital market and repaid by 2019. However, the total recurrent revenue surplus (Transfer to Capital Development Fund) is six billion, Three hundred and Eighty-nine million, Three hundred and Eighteen thousand six hundred and seventeen naira.

Mr. Speaker, Honourable members, the task of development warrants the mobilization of all resources at our disposal. We remain unwavering in our resolve to maximize Internally Generated Revenue with a view to reducing dependence on external sources. Internally generated revenue is ultimately the most sustainable means to fund development. We are therefore blocking leakages and making our revenue collection more efficient.


The total expenditure estimate of One hundred and twenty-four billion, Five hundred and twenty-five million Nine hundred and fifty-seven thousand, one hundred and thirteen naira matches the revenue budget. Of this amount, the envisaged Recurrent expenditure is estimated at Forty-eight billion, Five hundred and Forty-seven million, Four hundred and Forty-eight thousand, Two hundred and Seventy-two naira. This represents 39% of the total expenditure.

The estimated total Public Debt Servicing for both long and short term is Seventeen billion, Two hundred and Seventy-eight million, One hundred and Fifty thousand, Two hundred and Thirty-three naira.

The estimated Personnel Cost is Eleven billion, Eight hundred and thirty-nine million, Seven hundred and forty-nine thousand Two hundred and fifty-five naira, representing 18% of the total recurrent expenditure.

The estimated overhead cost is Twenty-one billion, One hundred and fifty-four million, Three hundred and ninety-two thousand, Eight hundred and nine naira. representing 32% of the total recurrent expenditure.

Meanwhile, Other Consolidated Fund Charges including Pension and Gratuities and Statutory Office holders is estimated at fifteen billion, Five hundred and Fifty-three million, three hundred and six thousand, Two hundred and eight naira.

Similarly, the proposed Capital expenditure for 2014 financial year is Fifty-eight billion, Seven hundred million, Three hundred and Fifty-eight thousand, Six hundred and Eight naira representing 47% of our proposed Budget. This is as against Forty billion, two hundred and six million, seven hundred and twenty-nine thousand, One hundred and sixty-three naira for the revised 2013 which shows an increase of 46%.

Mr. Speaker, Honourable members, in line with the firm commitment of the present administration to the completion of on-going projects, adequate provisions have been made for the implementation of projects that are of high priority of this administration. As I reiterated last year, our area of priority remain agriculture, education, health, water supply, and roads and electricity.

The Sectoral breakdown of the Capital expenditure based on the main functions of the government is as follows:

1. General Public Services: Three billion, Nine hundred and Fifteen million, Three hundred and Forty-one thousand, Two hundred and Four naira representing 7% of total Capital expenditure.

2. Public Order and Safety: Seven hundred and Thirty-three million, Three hundred and Sixty-three thousand, Eighteen naira representing 1% of Capital expenditure.

3. Economic Affairs: Twenty billion, Three hundred and Eighty-three million, Six hundred and Eighty-seven thousand, Fifty naira representing 35%.

4. Environmental Protection: Two hundred and fifty-nine Million representing 0.4%.

5. Housing and Community Amenities: Four billion, One hundred and Eight-nine million, Eight hundred and eight thousand, Sixty-nine naira representing 7%.

6. Health: Eight billion, Seven hundred and Sixty-four million, Two hundred and Thirty-eight thousand, Seven hundred and three naira (₦8,764,238,703) representing 14.9%.

7. Recreation and Culture: Seven hundred and Sixteen million, Eight hundred and Sixty-nine thousand, Five hundred and Eighty-seven naira representing 1.2%.

8. Education: Nineteen billion, Seven hundred and Four million, Four hundred and Fifty thousand, Nine hundred and Seventy-eight naira representing 33.6%.

9. Social Protection: Thirty-three million, Six hundred thousand naira representing 0.1%.

The total is Fifty-eight Billion, seven hundred million, three hundred and fifty-eight thousand, six hundred and eight naira.


The highlights of 2014 financial year sectoral policies and Programmes are as follows:


A major objective of this administration come 2014 is to ensure completion of all on-going projects in line with the new capital development plan in the State.

In this vein, we will continue to observe due process and accountability and shall ensure strict implementation of this policy.

In the 2014 financial year, the State government will facilitate the procurement and installation of Thirty Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) at strategic locations in Ilorin metropolis and environs to strengthen security. Efforts will also be made to reconstruct the Police Post at Apata Yakuba and perimeter fence as well as provision of boreholes at five of the existing police posts.

In addition, five Police posts are to be established and equipped in selected Local Government Area Headquarters to enhance the safety of lives and property. In addition, the State government intends to rehabilitate the following structures:

- Christian Pilgrims Welfare Board Office

- Kwara State Independent Electoral Commission Office

- Kaduna Liaison Office

- Deputy Governor’s Lodge, Asokoro, Abuja

In addition, we will pay attention to the first State Refugee Transit Camp through the acquisition of land and provision of social infrastructure at the proposed site.

Mr. Speaker, Honorable members, permit me to reiterate our administration’s commitment to a more proactive, worker-friendly environment to facilitate higher productivity and efficient service delivery to the citizenry in 2014.

To this end, efforts will be made to ensure the training and re-training of the State’s workforce and ensure prompt payment of salaries and other welfare package in order to encourage greater productivity and service delivery to the people.


Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) -

This administration places high premium on the attainment of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through the execution of pro-poor developmental projects across every stratum of our society.

In this regard, our administration has consistently fulfilled its financial obligation for various projects under the Millennium Development Goals – Conditional Grants Scheme (MDGs-CGS).

In 2014 financial year, the MDGs-CGS to Local Government will be scaled-up to six Local Government Areas, Ilorin West, Ilorin South, Oyun, Offa, Edu and Baruten.

The counterpart funds from both State and Local Governments have been paid while the Federal government contribution is also in place.

We expect that the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) of MDGs-CGS, targeted at two thousand, two hundred and fifty households in the State, will become operational in 2014.

Agriculture: -

Our objective in this sub-sector is to facilitate greater participation of private investors in commercial farming and agro-allied industrial businesses. In line with this, the State government has put a number of measures in place to sustain the current tempo of increased food production in the State, and position commercial agriculture as a tool for employment and wealth creation.

Additional incentives will be created to drive the growth of agriculture and related agro-allied industries as well as support small holding farmers to increase their yields, thereby improving their income levels and boosting food production.

In the 2014 financial year, a total sum of Two billion, Three hundred and ninety-seven million, two hundred and six thousand, Seven hundred and fifty naira has been allocated to agricultural programmes which include the following:

1) Desilting of Duku-Lade Irrigation scheme with a view to rejuvenating the activities of dry season farming.

2) Renovation of Agric. Area Offices

3) Integrated Youth Farm Settlement, Malete

4) Implementation of Kwara Agriculture Master Plan (KAMP).

5) Sustenance of Kwara Agricultural Development Project (KWADP) as well as Fadama II and Fadama III programmes through counterpart funding.

Works and Transport -

A total budgetary vote of Three billion, Two hundred and nineteen million, Five hundred and twenty thousand, Two hundred and twenty-eight naira is allocated for the execution of road and transportation projects. Priority will be given to the completion of all on-going road projects in the State.

During the 2014 financial year, efforts would be geared towards the completion of the world-standard Cargo Terminal Complex with Apron and Taxi-way.

In line with international best practices, attention will be focused on further equipping the International Aviation College by purchasing two additional aircrafts for practical training of students.

Energy -

Improvement in power and electricity supply will continue to receive priority attention in view of its importance in facilitating socio-economic development. Towards this end, the sum of Three billion, Two hundred and fifty-one million, Nine hundred and fifty-seven thousand naira is proposed as Capital expenditure for the year 2014 to implement priority projects in this vital sub-sector.


Environment and Forestry -

Our aim in this sub-sector is to drive beautification of the State environment in a manner aligned with the State’s commercial and investment strategies as well as to ensure tree and forest conservation for environmental sustainability. Efforts will therefore be geared towards efficient and effective solid waste management, forest protection, and preservation by providing necessary support and to maintain the city beautification project. To this end, a total sum of Two hundred and fifty-nine million naira has been allocated for the activities of this sub sector in 2014 financial year.

The Kwara State Environmental Protection Agency (KWEPA) will be reformed to more effectively perform its statutory role through the provision of appropriate equipment and personnel. To this end, 3500 new youth jobs will be created at the agency in 2014.


Housing and Urban Development –

As part of the strategy for the overall development of the State, my administration will continue to encourage Public Private Partnership in the provision of houses and infrastructural facilities to the people. In 2014, the following activities will be vigorously pursued.

1) Development of the Greater Ilorin Master plan to ensure that development and expansion of the city is carefully controlled.

2) Construction of Office Building for Board of Internal Revenue.

3) Neighbourhood upgrading towards slum reduction and control of haphazard development to achieve Millennium Development Goal of slum eradication.

4) Strengthening of Housing Corporation for efficient and effective performance.

In order to accomplish all these activities, total sum of One hundred and Sixty-three million, Nine hundred and forty-six thousand, seven hundred and eighty-eight naira has been earmarked for the sub-sector.

Water Supply -

This administration has continued to pay special attention to the provision of potable water to the residents of the State in the right quality and quantity. In the 2014 financial year, the following activities will be vigorously pursued:

1) Secondary and tertiary reticulation in 15 major streets of Ilorin metropolis.

2) Completion of Ilorin water distribution pipe network project.

3) Rehabilitation of 16 waterworks and construction of new ones.

4) Sustenance of rural water supply programmes.

A total sum of Two billion, eight hundred and sixty million naira is proposed for these programmes in the 2014 financial year.


Recognizing the importance of quality health care delivery to the people, government will continue the rehabilitation of our health facilities in order to make healthcare more accessible and affordable to our people, especially in the rural communities.

Towards this end, a total sum of Eight billion, Three hundred and fifty-seven million, Seven hundred and forty-four thousand, Two hundred and forty-nine naira will be expended on health related activities in 2014 financial year which include the following:

1) Rehabilitation of five General Hospitals in the State

2) Construction and equipping of four Comprehensive health Centers.

3) Rehabilitation of two primary health care centers

4) Roll-back malaria programme

5) Establishment of new HIV/AIDs centers

6) Rehabilitation of two Eye Clinics at Sobi Eye Clinic and Civil Service Clinic

7) Procurement of additional ambulances to increase the number of ambulance points in strategic locations across the State.


Sports and Youth: -

It is pertinent to express this administration’s commitment to sporting activities as means of promoting health and as a tool of national unity. Accordingly, government will address Sports development with a view to preparing our sport men and women for participation in national and international sporting activities.

Government will also continue to accord priority attention to Youth development through economic empowerment of the Youth in order to reduce unemployment. A total sum of Five hundred and Sixty-three million, Six hundred and eighty-nine thousand, one hundred and ten naira has been set aside for the activities of this subsector in 2014 financial year.

7. Education -

A commitment to continued investment in Education remains a major focus of this administration. This is because education is a tool for reducing poverty and is the bedrock of development. In addition, functional education holds the promise of getting more youths into jobs and entrepreneurship.

Efforts will therefore be geared towards upgrading our education facilities for effective teaching and learning. The major initiatives planned for execution in 2014 are:

1) Completion of International Vocational Centre, Ajasse-Ipo.

2) Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Junior and Senior Secondary Schools across the State.

3) Development of portal for E-learning in our secondary schools.

Furthermore, government is aware of shortage of teachers in some of our schools, especially in the rural areas. To address this problem, especially in the critical subject of Science, Mathematics and English, government intends to recruit more teachers in the 2014 financial year. The total amount proposed for this sub-sector is Fifteen billion, three million, seven hundred and twenty-three thousand, nine hundred and fifty-one naira.

In addition, attention will be paid to the completion of some infrastructural development projects in our tertiary institutions to make them true centers of Excellence. To this end, a total sum of Four billion, Four hundred and fifty-three million, Eight hundred and sixty-two thousand, Forty-eight naira has been earmarked to take care of the infrastructural development projects.


In the year 2014, our administration will focus on the provision of vocational education, skill acquisition training, and other empowerment programmes for women throughout the State. A total sum of Thirty-three million, Six hundred thousand naira is earmarked for various activities in this sector in 2014.


The Kwara State Judiciary is an arm of government whose importance is known to all. In this regard, our administration will continue to ensure the welfare of the Judiciary and promote a vibrant justice administration system. To this end, a total sum of Seven hundred and twenty one million, Two hundred and fifty thousand naira has been set aside for the implementation of various projects on this sector.


Honorable Speaker and members of the House, I wish to acknowledge once again, the trust and confidence that the good people of Kwara State repose in us as demonstrated by their support for the programmes and policies of our administration. We do not take this support for granted.

I seek the co-operation and support of this Honorable House and that of various stakeholders as we progress in our developmental efforts to make our dear State the envy of all Nigerians. Our administration will remain undaunted in our determination to march on into new frontiers of prosperity.

Finally, Mr. Speaker, Honorable Members, I thank you for your kind attention and solicit for an expeditions consideration and passage of these budget proposals. May God bless you all, bless Kwara State and the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

I thank you for listening and wish you all Happy Holidays and a prosperous 2014.

Related: Ahmed's 2013 Budget Speech to Kwara House


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Sambo Murtala     Read With Me     Hassan Oyeleke     Aishat Mohammed Lawal     EFCC     Maja     A.O. Belgore     Sardauna     Hajj     Kwara Politics     Muhammad Ghali Alaaya     Okiki     Olayinka Jelili Yusuf     Rasheed Jimoh     KWASEIC     Ilesha Gwanara Road     Yaman     Mustapha AbdulGaniyu     Moshood Mustapha     Sidikat Akaje     Ahmad Olanrewaju Belgore     New Naira Notes     Halimat Yusuf     Habeeb Abdullahi Al-Ilory     Joseph Offorjama     Sarafadeen Kayode Akorede     Adam Abdullahi Al-Ilory     Ademola Kiyesola     Rashidi Yekini     General Hospital     Bayer Nigeria Limited     Yahaya Muhammad     Saadatu Modibbo-Kawu     Bola Shagaya     Ajidagba     Ilorin Airport     Cornelius Adebayo     Mohammed Lawal Bagega     Isiaq Khadeejah     IsDB     Lanre Olosunde     SDP     Abdullateef Abdussalam     Aro Yahaya     Olugbense     Gbemisola Oguntimehin     Razaq Atunwa     Ishola Abdullahi     Isiaka Saka Opobiyi     Asa     Abdulganiyu AbdulAzeez     Mohammed Danjuma     Babatunde Idiagbon     Ile Arugbo     AbdulGaniyu Kareem     Magaji Erubu     Playing Host     Ayobami Akanbi     Saliu Mustapha     Countryside Emerging Leaders Fellowship     Monsurat Omotosho     Ogidi-Oloje     Baboko Primary School     Ishaq Salman     Olayinka Oladapo Jogunola     Abdulmumini Jawondo     Gobir Organization Foundation     Societe Generale Bank Of Nigeria     LEAH Charity Foundation     Abdulrazaq Magaji     Adama Isa     Madawaki Of Ilorin     Shonga Farm Project     Ghali Muhammed     Ayoade Akinnibosun     Olatunde Jare     Ilorin Curfew    

Cloud Tag: What's trending

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Special Agro-Industrial Hub     Ayo Salami     HYPPADEC     Aliyu Umar     Aasiyat Bello Oyedepo     Elerin Of Adanla     Mamman Saba Jibril     PPS     Shaaba Lafiagi     Trade Lenda SME Fair     Afolabi-Oshatimehin     Henry Makinwa     Junior Secondary School Certificate Examinations     Mohammed Lawal Bagega     Joseph Alex Offorjama     Samuel Olusegun Adedayo     Abdulfatai Ahmed     Hajj     Share-Tsaragi     Olokoba Sulyman     Centre For Community Empowerment And Poverty Eradication     Abdulraufu Mustapha     Aisha Ahman-Pategi     TESCOM     Geri-Alimi Split Diamond Interchange     Ayekale     Sodiya     Mumini Ishola Hanafi     GAMA     Ayinde Oyepitan     Kolade Solagberu     Olusola Saraki     Shehu Alimi Foundation For Peace And Development     Muhammadu Gobir     First Lady     IFK     Matthew Okedare     Yusuf Amuda Aluko     Col. Ibrahim Taiwo     Olokoba     Oloye     Olabode George Towoju     Saliu Ajia     Funmilayo Zubair     General Tunde Idiagbon International Airport Ilorin     Y.A. Abdulkareem     Lanwa     Saka Balikis Kehinde     Chemiroy Nigeria Limited     Alloy Chukwuemeka     Fatai Adeniyi Garba     Ballah     Olatunji Abdulmumeen     Abdulrahman Abdulrazak     Ishola Moses Abiodun     Apaola     Abdulmajeed Abdullahi     Hydro-electric Power Producing Areas Development Commission     Bayer Nigeria Limited     Asa     Rice Farmers Association Of Nigeria     Hassan Saliu     Elekoyangan     Musibau Akanji     Segun Abifarin     Jaiz Bank     Baruten     Vasolar Consortium     Oko Erin     Saka Abimbola Isau     Balogun Gambari     Yomi Ogunsola     Salake     Salihu Ajia     Sa\'ad Alanamu     Hijaab     Shaykh Luqman Jimoh